Category News

Kielder 2024: A blog by Laura Keen

Laura Keen is the External communications and marketing manager within Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. She’s challenging herself like never before and running the full marathon in aid of Bright. Read her blog to discover more about Laura’s runner story…

GNR 2024: Janice’s blog

As the countdown to Great North Run 2024 begins, we’re catching up with Team Bright – the runners who take on the challenge for Bright Northumbria Healthcare Charity. We caught up with Janice, a member of staff within Northumbria Healthcare…

Bright’s school uniform appeal

Don’t bin it, donate it! If your kids have outgrown their school uniforms, donate them to Bright Northumbria Healthcare Charity and we’ll give them another life with a family in our trust. We’re setting up donation points across the trust,…

The Brightest Day of the Year!

Being in hospital as a patient or a member of staff, especially during the summer, can be difficult. So, we want to make the day a little easier. We’ve chosen this day to raise awareness and to celebrate our charity…