Microsoft HoloLens and a Video Capture Device – Anaesthetics

Microsoft HoloLens and a Video Capture Device

Introducing Augmented Reality for the patient – an innovative way to improve the patient journey through surgery.

This project helps anxious patients who have come in for surgery – many surgeries can be done using only a nerve block anaesthetic or a spinal anaesthetic, however many patients request to be asleep during the procedure using either a general anaesthetic or heavy sedation, due to a fear of the sights and sounds within the operating theatre.

Avoiding a general anaesthetic or sedation for an operation is much safer. Patients who are awake straight after a procedure can recover and go home faster. Having the HoloLens operational would allow patients to immerse themselves in a virtual reality world, watching videos of their choice during the operation (e.g., favourite film, music video, patient education video).

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