NVS awards

Investing in Volunteers
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust holds its position as the first NHS trust in the Northeast to be awarded a prestigious national standard for the way it manages its volunteering service.
Following a rigorous assessment process, the trust has been awarded the Investing in Volunteers (IiV) quality standard for the second time – one of only five NHS trusts in the country to be accredited.
Arts awards

International CSR, Gold Accreditation, 2020
The arts programme received a gold award at the International CSR Excellence Awards in 2019 which led to the trust being awarded ‘global leader status.’

International CSR Awards 2019
Gold award for supporting the arts.
This award was the first Healing Arts award for the trust. The award entry was all about arts in the community. From this award, we gained World Leader Status!

Royal Photographic Society Combined Royal Colleges Medal 2011.
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and the School of Arts at Northumbria University worked together on a series of healthcare-related photographic projects as part of a ground-breaking partnership.
This has involved cutting-edge arts in healthcare research through an established PhD programme, engaging local communities and artists and developing Hexham General Hospital as a curatorial centre.
Images of Trust in 2001 by award-winning Japanese photographer Ikuko Tsuchiya was one of the first joint projects. This captured poignant images of the high-quality care delivered in the Trust’s hospitals and the interaction and strong bond between healthcare professional and patient.
International awards

Most Innovative Outreach Project – Africa Healthcare Week 2018 Awards.
Colin Dobbyne of Big Blue Solutions Ltd and the teams from Hexham General Hospital and the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) received a prestigious award for Most Innovative Outreach Project at the Africa Healthcare Week 2018 Awards.
The award was given in recognition of the work done by the Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust to train surgeons in Tanzania in laparoscopic surgery via a televisual link developed and set up by Colin Dobbyne.

Surgical Team of the Year – British Medical Journal 2014
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s ‘ground-breaking’, web-based audio-visual link with Tanzania’s Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) won the British Medical Journal (BMJ) 2014 Karen Woo Surgical Team Award.