The Northumbria Volunteer Service (NVS), organised by Bright Northumbria Healthcare Charity, is looking to recruit more volunteers in a variety of roles at North Tyneside General Hospital.

Many exciting roles are on offer such as working in Harry’s cafe, meeting and greeting at the hospital entrance, or driving the patient transport buggies.

Ray Waller has volunteered with the NVS for the past 14 years. He was inspired to volunteer after being a patient at the hospital in 1998; as a thank-you for the kindness shown to him during his treatment, he vowed to pay it back.

Upon retirement Ray started his volunteering role, driving the buggies through long corridors and up to wards. He said: “Hospital can be a really stressful time, for patients and visitors.

“They just want a friendly face and helping hand when they come here.”

Ray is able to do just that, safely transporting patients and visitors around the large hospital with a smile.

When Ray was asked what he’d say to anyone considering volunteering, he said: “Go for it, 100%. Volunteering is so satisfying; I enjoy every minute.

“Helping those who need the help, it’s so worth it.”

Northumbria Healthcare’s buggy service is free of charge, giving patients and visitors quick and safe arrivals to appointments within the hospital.

It’s just one of many roles which keep volunteers active, social, and contributing to their local community. When responding to a survey in March 2022, 99% of volunteers claimed that volunteering gave them an outlet to give something back to the community.

If you’re interested in joining the volunteer team, download our application form here.

Get in touch! Call 0191 203 1354 or email

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